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Managers are struggling, with 68% of managers in India expressing concern that their work has become more transactional and unappealing in the last year.

Over the last year, 93 % of workers have upgraded their remote workspace, and 94 % of workers believe they are well-prepared to work remotely, which is the highest in the world.

The survey done by Atlassian Corporation, a leading provider of team collaboration and productivity software, shows Indian workers have altered their remote workplaces more than any other country examined, with 45% changing it frequently compared to the global average of 15%.

Key findings

-Indian workers continue to value the opportunity to work outside of the office, with the highest preference for full-time remote work and the lowest choice for hybrid work of all countries examined.

-However, the last 12 months demonstrate that hybrid work is transitioning. Workers are spending less time working remotely, and the concept of hybrid work appears to be gaining traction, increasing from 25% to 28% year on year.

-The majority of Indian respondents (79%) are still nervous about returning to the office, compared to the global average of 49%.

-Managers are struggling, with 68% of managers in India expressing concern that their work has become more transactional and unappealing in the last year.

-Teams thrive in India, with 85% of workers agreeing that their team members work cooperatively to accomplish tasks, compared to the global average of 65%.

-Trust levels are high, with 90% of Indian workers stating that their organisation has a very high degree of trust, compared to the global average of 70%. This could indicate that people appreciate having stable employment and a secure work environment in the face of continued uncertainty.

Male primary carers reported increased care obligations compared to pre-pandemic levels. They find it more difficult, with 48% strongly agreeing that distant work made this more difficult than 31% of female primary caregivers.

“These insights can help organisations and employees navigate through this paradigm shift in work that we are witnessing. Atlassian has always been cognizant of the fact that a collaborative, open and supportive work culture would go a long way in unleashing the potential of teams, one that cuts across all levels within the organisation, from new recruits, managers to the leadership team,” said Dinesh Ajmera, Site Lead and Head of Engineering, Bengaluru, Atlassian.

The study, commissioned by Atlassian and conducted by Australian research agency PaperGiant across six countries. In India, 1,009 respondents were questioned from tier 1, 2, and 3 cities. The study survey began on the 28th of July 2021 and concluded on the 5th of September 2021.

Published: December 4, 2021, 18:00 IST
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