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If the wheel was the most useful invention of the ancient man, cycles are certainly its most intelligent modern-day application. There is no other means of transport that combines affordability, environment friendliness, easy-to-maintain, zero operating cost, distancing protocol compliance and even the romantic quotient like the humble cycle. Add to this the factor that it promotes physical exercise and you get a timeless winning combination.

Indians have started rediscovering the benefits of cycling due to the pandemic. The number of cycles sold have started racing since last year. All these have a not-so-hidden message for our policymakers – the cycle should be promoted as a means of transportation throughout the nation with perhaps the sole exception of the mountainous regions. All new and upcoming townships should compulsorily feature dedicated cycle tracks. Urban administrators should also explore feasibility of adding such tracks in existing cities as Kolkata Municipal Corporation has done.

Reports state that the pandemic triggered a rise of cycles in Beijing by 150%. In China 37.2% of the people use cycles; in Switzerland and Belgium 48%, in Japan 57% and Finland 60%. Copenhagen is supposed to be the world’s most cycle-friendly city.

In India, the focus shifted to automobiles due to a variety of factors, the most prominent of which was aspirations of millions of families in a developing country where the middle-class was expanding fast. Significantly, a growing section of the educated class that dreams of buying that swanky car also began to discover the virtues of cycling recently.

In the hands of a labourer, or a rural girl going to school, the cycle is an instrument of struggle. Some city executives have already started cycling to work, more out of health consciousness than some other reason. If the common man starts using it more and more for general purposes, it would add a new ring to the much abused noun “self reliance’. India can have no atmanirbhar transport like the good, old humble cycle.

It would also liberate one from the frightening prospect of buying petrol.

Published: July 4, 2021, 16:58 IST
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