Don’t use credit cards like this!

Do you pay only the minimum amount due on your credit card? How can your debt burden increase just by paying the minimum amount due? Watch this video to know

  • Last Updated : April 26, 2024, 15:10 IST

Whenever you build a house or buy an under-construction flat, you rarely look at the quality of cemen. We either agree to the builder or buy cement on the advice of an acquaintance. Cement is the most important material. It is a binding material. Cement binds the rest of the materials. The better the quality of cement much more will be the strength of the house. If  poor quality cement is used, then,  cracks can develop in the building which may lead to permamnent damage to the structure. It will waste all your money… You can also check the quality of cement yourself. Let’s find out how?

Check the validity 
While buying cement, make sure to check its manufacturing date. Cement should be used within 3 months from the date of manufacturing. Using freshly manufactured cement will keep the foundation of the house firm. Do not use cement without lab testing that is more than 3 months old. Older the cement becomes, the more strength it loses. A cement bag has the date of manufacturing marked as D, week as W, month as M and year as Y.
Finer the cement, the better it is. The binding strength of such cement is good. If the cement appears to be granulated when mashed in a pinch, it means that either the cement is not made from the right material or moisture content in it is too high and this usually leads to hydration, leading to cracks in the structure.
If you the cement feels cool when touched, then the cement is good and fresh. Also, if a handful of cement is poured into the water and floats for some time before it sinks, the cement is fine. If the cement  immediately submerged in water, it means it is adulterated.

Binding sterength
One way to get idea about the binding strength of cement is to make its mixture in ratio of 1:4 and throw it from a distance of about 2 feet on to a wall. If the mixture sticks on to the wall then it is of good quality. If half the mixture falls and half sticks on to the wall, the cement is not that good. Masons usually use this method to check the quality of cement. in the same way.

To check the quality of cement, make a sphere of cement. After 24 hours put it in water and leave it for about 4 to 5 days. The shell should not break when it is removed from the water and thrown on to the ground because cement regains 50 percent of its strength in 3 days.

When the cement sack is opened and turned over, the pile should spread on the ground and not become too high. If a pile is formed, then, quality is bad.

Whichever brand of cement you buy, you can check the quality using the methods we have discussed and avoid falling for the words of cement dealers or contractors.


Published: April 24, 2024, 10:00 IST
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