17,000 new credit cards issued by ICICI linked to wrong users

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17,000 new credit cards issued by ICICI linked to wrong users

Yoga is all about balance, relaxation, mindfulness and flexibility

As the world observed ”International Yoga Day” on 21st June, I would like to bring your focus towards the importance of Yoga in your financial life. Managing your finance is very similar to practicing a yoga position. Yoga may or may not be a part of your daily routine right now, but we are sure that you must be familiar with the concept of Yoga. Yoga is all about balance, relaxation, mindfulness and flexibility. Mastering these skills will make you a good Yogi, but you can also use them to manage your finances.

Here is how Yoga can help you understand the management of finance effectively.

Yoga helps you understand the importance of balance

Yoga is all about balance. Take the example of Surya Namaskar, where the body is balanced on eight points of contact with the floor feet, knees, chest, chin and hands. You always have to carefully balance the weight of your body to master any position. Similarly, in finance, you need to balance your funds by investing them in various asset classes. Some investments will be risky, while others would be safe; some might have liquidity while others won’t. Balancing your finance is all about having a healthy ratio of all, which will be suitable for your financial goals.

You learn the value of being flexible

Flexibility is another important aspect of Yoga. Every new move will challenge your body’s flexibility at a different level. Similarly, being flexible can also be extremely helpful when it comes to managing finances. The financial market will never remain the same. You can benefit if you modify your investment plans as the market changes. For example, in a down market, you would be better off if you invest in safe assets like bonds and lower your engagement with equity stocks.

It teaches you how to make right decisions

Mindfulness meditation is a part of Yoga which focusses on clearing your mind with unnecessary thoughts. This helps in achieving mental peace, and you will be able to see things from a clear point of you. Financial industry is overloaded with products and information. Many financial decisions that we take are often based on one­-sided point of view of some other person. Thus, just like mindfulness in meditation, we should observe all the information but at the same time take unbiased decisions.

You learn the importance of being in the present

When you are meditating or doing any other yoga pose, you are teaching your brain to focus at the current moment, and get rid of all other thoughts like thinking about the past or future.

In financial life, every situation is unique, but we try to correlate it with a similar situation we experienced in the past and assume exactly the same outcome again. Yoga will improve your brain in a way so that it will consider each situation unique. You will still use your past experience but only as a guide to frame your current strategy and not the strategy itself. Not only this but Yoga will also help you in many other ways to improve your brain and body health.

We hope you will incorporate it into your daily routine.

Published: April 26, 2024, 15:19 IST
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