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In an attempt to curb fraudulent withdrawals, the Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) has said it will not allow major corrections in member profiles in online mode.

The retirement fund body has said “a complete change in the member profile cannot be allowed in the normal course through online or offline process, except in extreme situations where it has been proven that the member’s name has been changed following the due process prescribed in law, or there has been an erroneous upload of data by the employer on production of documentary evidence, by the member and employer, and after due verification.”

EPFO has classified minor and major changes for ease of due diligence.

“A change will be considered a minor correction if it is related to expanding the name, surname from abbreviation to full name or vice versa, without changing the first letter. Similarly, insertion of a middle name or surname after marriage or after family name as mentioned in Aadhaar is possible, but complete change of a name is not allowed,” it said.

It has asked field offices and employers not to entertain changes without documentary proof.

EPFO has classified minor and major changes. It said a change will be considered a minor correction if it is related to expanding name, surname from abbreviation to full name or vice-versa, without changing the first letter. Similarly, insertion of a middle name or surname after marriage or after family name as mentioned in Aadhaar is possible, but complete change of a name is not allowed.

Published: February 17, 2021, 12:40 IST
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