Market downturn right time to rejig portfolios: Swarup Mohanty, CEO, Mirae Asset Investment Managers

Swarup Mohanty, CEO of Mirae Asset Investment Managers, shares his insights on investment strategies

The Association of Mutual Funds of India’s figures for the month of February indicate that investors are looking at the present period as an opportune time to book profits.

In an interview with Money9, Swarup Mohanty, CEO, Mirae Asset Investment Managers, said market downturn is the right time to rejig portfolios.

Mohanty said investors should not change their strategy due to market fluctuations.

“If you are withdrawing money on the completion of your goal, then it is good. But judging by the movement of the market and making decisions is wrong. Market downturn is the right time when you should rebalance your asset allocation by reviewing your assets. At present, there is a decline in gold now. Som this gives you the opportunity to include a product like Gold ETF in your portfolio,” he told Money9.

On starting investment with a Rs 100 SIP, he said, the amount does not matter, discipline does.

“If someone wants to start investing with a micro-SIP of Rs 100, then do it by all means. Returns are certain, just the percentage of return will depend on the principal amount of your investment,” he said.

Watch the video for the full interview:

Published: March 16, 2021, 14:53 IST
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