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There is a rule to stay relevant on the internet – constant upgradation.  Micro-blogging platform Twitter, on Wednesday, rolled out its pilot voice direct messages or DMs feature in India. This will enable users to send 140-second audio messages on the platform. A few months back, Twitter had launched ‘voice tweets’ which allowed people to post audio tweets instead of 248-character texts.

The voice DMs feature will be rolled in a phased manner for Indian users alongside two other countries, Japan and Brazil.

In view of the latest announce, Manish Maheshwari, managing director of Twitter India said, “India is a priority market for Twitter and that is why we’re constantly testing new features and learning from people’s experience on the service here. We’re excited to bring the voice messages in DMs experiment to the country and give people a new way to express themselves and help them connect through the nuances, emotion, and empathy built by hearing someone’s voice.”

Twitter believes the new feature will allow users to chat more comfortably and they’ll be able to express better without typing too many words.

How to use voice DM feature on Twitter?

The test feature is available for both android and iOS users in India. Hence, anyone with the Twitter app on their mobile phones can use it.

  • Firstly, update the Twitter app from Google Play Store or Apple Store
  • Go to the app and click on message icon
  • Open a new chat box or an existing one and click on ‘voice recorder’ to send an audio message
  • You can listen to the audio before sending it across
  • Only Android and iOS users from India, Japan and Brazil can record messages through this feature as of now. The web users can, however, listen to the voice DMs received.

Twitter’s latest feature is similar to WhatsApp’s voice messaging option which is already popular amongst users. The attempt to bring voice messaging on Twitter is a way, by the US-based firm, to popularise direct messages option on the app.

Published: February 17, 2021, 16:40 IST
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