How is investing in Gold ETF better than jewellery?

What is the right way to invest in gold? Why should you not invest in gold jewellery? What is the benefit of investing in Gold ETF? What should be the share of gold in the portfolio?

  • Last Updated : May 3, 2024, 15:27 IST

Indian Railways keeps on introducing new facilities from time to time for the convenience of its passengers. Lakhs of people travel by train every day. In such a situation, you should be aware of the important rules related to the railways. Here’s one such rule.

Know this special rule of railway
According to a rule of Indian Railways, you can change the date of your journey without canceling your confirmed ticket. For this, you will not have to pay any extra charge. Most people take tickets for a confirmed seat on the train a few days in advance. But a sudden change in the date of  journey is possible. So, now, instead of canceling your ticket, just apply for a change of date on your ticket.

What is the process?
To change the date of your journey on a confirmed ticket, you have to submit your ticket at the reservation counter at least 48 hours before the departure of the train. Along with this, you will also have to apply for a new date on the ticket. In this, if you want, you can also change the category of your coach. Once the railway department receives your application, both your date of journey and the class of coach will be changed. Railways do not charge you for this, but if you change the coach class, then you will have to pay the remaining fare for it.

Overall you can change the date of travel on your ticket without spending a single penny.

Published: June 9, 2023, 17:07 IST
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