Ganesh Chaturthi: Investment lessons from Lord Ganesh

Ganpati is referred to as the Gajanana, Lambakarna, Vakratunda, Vighnaharta and by many other names which also signify key investment mantras

Ganesh Chaturthi is here and the 10-day-long celebrations of Lord Ganesh’s birth have begun. Ganpati is worshipped as the God of new beginnings and remover of obstacles. What’s interesting is that Lord Ganesha also teaches a lot about investments through his unique aspects and physique.

Ganpati is referred to as the Gajanana, Lambakarna, Vakratunda, Vighnaharta and by many other names as well. All these names signify a lot more than just the physicality of Lord Ganesha.

Big Head: The large elephant head of Ganpati represents intelligence and wisdom. Ganesha tells us to always use our knowledge and learning before making investment decisions. Keeping our minds open will help you look at all the options and make wiser investment decisions.

Big Ears: Ganpati listens intently and absorbs every wise word that comes his way. indicate that he is a good listener. In order to be a good investor, one must be a good listener. Whether it is about information, new ideas or financial advice.

Small Eyes: Despite a large body, Lord Ganesh has small but sharp eyes which depict the ability to focus amidst distractions. From an investment point of view, it signifies that even if stock markets crash or there is uncertainty or volatility in the near term on your returns, you must keep focussed on your long term goals and plan.

Flexible Trunk: Ganesha is also known as Vakratunda- one with the curved trunk which represents flexibility and adaptability. Investors must realise that at times course-corrections are needed whether it is about diversification, timeline adjustments or the amount of investment.

Broken-tusk: Ganesha is called Ekdanta as one of his tusks is broken which represents the strength to weed out the bad investments. Investors must have the courage to accept the wrong decisions and remove the bad investments from the portfolio

Watch the accompanying video to know more about such interesting aspects and their significance in investors’ lives.

Published: September 10, 2021, 21:04 IST
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