From steps taken to ensure speedy justice, to announcing the National Nursing and Midwifery Commission Bill, here are some of the plans announced for reforms in one of the government’s core principles – Minimum Government, Maximum Governance.
A) Reforms in tribunals: The Finance Minister said that a number of steps have been taken to bring about reforms in tribunals in the last few years for speedy delivery of justice. Further measures have been proposed to rationalise the functioning of tribunals.
B) National Commission for Allied Healthcare Professionals Bill: This bill has been introduced in the parliament to ensure transparent and efficient regulation of the 56 allied healthcare professions.
C) National Nursing and Midwifery Commission Bill: The government will be tabling this bill for passing in the parliament with an aim to bring about transparency, efficiency and governance reforms in the nursing profession.
D) Conciliation mechanism to be set up: For ease of doing business, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman has proposed to set up a Conciliation Mechanism and mandate its use for quick resolution of contractual disputes. The Finance Minister said that the move will instill confidence in private investors and contractors.
E) Digital Census: The Finance Minister said that the forthcoming census could be the first digital one in the history of India and a total of Rs 3,768 crores has been allocated for the same in the year 2021-22.
F) Grant to Government of Goa: In view of Goa celebrating the diamond jubilee year of the state’s liberation from the Portuguese rule, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on behalf of Government of India proposed a grant of Rs 300 crores to the Government of Goa for the celebrations.
G) Welfare of Tea workers: The Finance Minister proposed to provide Rs 1,000 crores for the overall welfare and betterment of Tea workers especially women and children in Assam and West Bengal. A special scheme will be brought in to assist the tea workers.
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